2909 Washington Blvd
Ogden, UT 84401
PHONE 888-801-1556 x1
MON-FRI 9am - 6pm MT
COUNSELING times vary by clinician:
MON-SAT 7am - 10pm
FAX 877-544-4630
MAIN OFFICES: The building that we are located in is named “Plaza 29.” It sits on the southwest corner of Washington and 29th street- directly across from Chase Bank.
When you enter the main Plaza 29 parking lot, drive to the left of the building, on the south side. There you will find a parking lot specifically for our entrance, and you will find our entryway under the blue awning with our name and logo.
Daisy Lael's office is located in the main part of the building, you can find their office through the front door entrance, upstairs in office 224. It's midway along the south side (above our office suites). There is a waiting area just outside the office.